Results for 'Camillo Giuliano Fiore'

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  1. What the Adoption Problem Does Not Show.Camillo Giuliano Fiore - 2022 - Análisis Filosófico 42 (1):79-103.
    Saul Kripke proposed a skeptical challenge that Romina Padró defended and popularized by the name of the Adoption Problem. The challenge is that, given a certain definition of adoption, there are some logical principles that cannot be adopted—paradigmatic cases being Universal Instantiation and Modus Ponens. Kripke has used the Adoption Problem to argue that there is an important sense in which logic is not revisable. In this essay, I defend two independent claims. First, that the Adoption Problem does not entail (...)
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  2. Recapture Results and Classical Logic.Camillo Fiore & Lucas Rosenblatt - 2023 - Mind 132 (527):762–788.
    An old and well-known objection to non-classical logics is that they are too weak; in particular, they cannot prove a number of important mathematical results. A promising strategy to deal with this objection consists in proving so-called recapture results. Roughly, these results show that classical logic can be used in mathematics and other unproblematic contexts. However, the strategy faces some potential problems. First, typical recapture results are formulated in a purely logical language, and do not generalize nicely to languages containing (...)
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  3. A Structural Tonk.Camillo Fiore - 2023 - Analysis (XX):anad049.
    When logicians work with multiple-conclusion systems, they use a metalinguistic comma ‘,’ to aggregate premises and/or conclusions. In this note, I present an analogy between this comma and Prior’s infamous connective tonk. The analogy reveals that these expressions have much in common. I argue that, indeed, the comma can be seen as a structural incarnation of tonk. The upshot is that, whatever story one has to tell about tonk, there are good reasons to tell a similar story about the comma (...)
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  4. Classical Logic Is Connexive.Camillo Fiore - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Logic (2):91-99.
    Connexive logics are based on two ideas: that no statement entails or is entailed by its own negation (this is Aristotle’s thesis) and that no statement entails both something and the negation of this very thing (this is Boethius' thesis). Usually, connexive logics are contra-classical. In this note, I introduce a reading of the connexive theses that makes them compatible with classical logic. According to this reading, the theses in question do not talk about validity alone; rather, they talk in (...)
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  5. Reading Conclusions Conjunctively.Camillo Fiore - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (6):1641-1672.
    In philosophical logic and proof theory, we often find multiple-conclusion systems that induce a conjunctive reading of premises and a disjunctive reading of conclusions. In mathematical logic, in contrast, we often find multiple-conclusion systems that induce a conjunctive reading of both premises and conclusions. This paper studies some technical and philosophical aspects of this latter approach to multiple-conclusion consequence. The takeaway is that, while the importance of disjunctive multiple conclusions is beyond doubt, conjunctive multiple conclusions also have philosophical interest. First, (...)
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  6. Inferential Constants.Camillo Fiore, Federico Pailos & Mariela Rubin - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (3):767-796.
    A metainference is usually understood as a pair consisting of a collection of inferences, called premises, and a single inference, called conclusion. In the last few years, much attention has been paid to the study of metainferences—and, in particular, to the question of what are the valid metainferences of a given logic. So far, however, this study has been done in quite a poor language. Our usual sequent calculi have no way to represent, e.g. negations, disjunctions or conjunctions of inferences. (...)
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  7. Semidisquotation and the infinitary function of truth.Camillo Fiore - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):851-866.
    The infinitary function of the truth predicate consists in its ability to express infinite conjunctions and disjunctions. A transparency principle for truth states the equivalence between a sentence and its truth predication; it requires an introduction principle—which allows the inference from “snow is white” to “the sentence ‘snow is white’ is true”—and an elimination principle—which allows the inference from “the sentence ‘snow is white’ is true” to “snow is white”. It is commonly assumed that a theory of truth needs to (...)
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  8. Meta-Classical Non-Classical Logics.Eduardo Barrio, Camillo Fiore & Federico Pailos - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):1146-1171.
    Recently, it has been proposed to understand a logic as containing not only a validity canon for inferences but also a validity canon for metainferences of any finite level. Then, it has been shown that it is possible to construct infinite hierarchies of ‘increasingly classical’ logics—that is, logics that are classical at the level of inferences and of increasingly higher metainferences—all of which admit a transparent truth predicate. In this paper, we extend this line of investigation by taking a somehow (...)
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  9. Lógica: Una introducción sistemática e histórica.Agustina Borzi & Camillo Fiore - forthcoming - In Claudia Mársico & Rodrigo Illarraga (eds.), Un introductorio recorrido filosófico al pensamiento científico: historia, epistemología, lógica y sociedad. Teseo Press.
    En este capítulo ofrecemos una introducción sistemática e histórica a la lógica, disciplina que contribuyó en gran medida a la producción del conocimiento en general y a la formación del pensamiento científico en particular. La primera sección contiene la introducción sistemática: primero, presentamos las distintas disciplinas que forman parte de la lógica en el sentido amplio del término; luego, identificamos a la lógica en sentido canónico o estricto como el estudio la validez; por último, explicamos en qué sentido la validez (...)
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    Logical Pluralism and Interpretations of Logical Systems.Diego Tajer & Camillo Fiore - 2022 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 31:1-26.
    Logical pluralism is a general idea that there is more than one correct logic. Carnielli and Rodrigues [2019a] defend an epistemic interpretation of the paraconsistent logic N4, according to which an argument is valid in this logic just in case it necessarily preserves evidence. The authors appeal to this epistemic interpretation to briefly motivate a kind of logical pluralism: “different accounts of logical consequence may preserve different properties of propositions”. The aim of this paper is to study the prospect of (...)
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    Lecciones Disruptivas de Un Maestro Irreverente. Un Encuentro Con Slavoj Žižek.Facundo Giuliano & Daiana Neil - 2015 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 23:203-220.
    Entrevista realizada por Facundo Giuliano e Daiana Neil a Slavoj Žižek.
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  12. Flow Fragmentalism.Giuliano Torrengo & Samuele Iaquinto - 2019 - Theoria 85:185-201.
    In this paper, we articulate a version of non-standard A-theory—which we call Flow Fragmentalism—in relation to its take on the issue of supervenience of truth on being. According to the Truth Supervenes on Being (TSB) Principle, the truth of past- and future-tensed propositions supervenes, respectively, on past and future facts. Since the standard presentist denies the existence of past and future entities and facts concerning them that do not obtain in the present, she seems to lack the resources to accept (...)
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  13. Feeling the Passing of Time.Giuliano Torrengo - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (4):165-188.
    There seems to be a "what it is like" to the experience of the flow of time in any conscious activity of ours. In this paper, I argue that the feeling that time passes should be understood as a phenomenal modifier of our mental life, in roughly the same way as the blurred or vivid nature of a visual experience can be seen as an element of the experience that modifies the way it feels, without representing the world as being (...)
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    An Interview with Giuliano Toraldo Di Francia.Giuliano Toraldo di Francia - 1997 - Foundations of Science 2 (1):177-182.
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  15. The Invisible Thin Red Line.Giuliano Torrengo & Samuele Iaquinto - 2020 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 101:354-382.
    The aim of this paper is to argue that the adoption of an unrestricted principle of bivalence is compatible with a metaphysics that (i) denies that the future is real, (ii) adopts nomological indeterminism, and (iii) exploits a branching structure to provide a semantics for future contingent claims. To this end, we elaborate what we call Flow Fragmentalism, a view inspired by Kit Fine (2005)’s non-standard tense realism, according to which reality is divided up into maximally coherent collections of tensed (...)
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    The Challenge of Quantification: An Interdisciplinary Reading.Monica Di Fiore, Marta Kuc-Czarnecka, Samuele Lo Piano, Arnald Puy & Andrea Saltelli - 2023 - Minerva 61 (1):53-70.
    The present work looks at what we call “the multiverse of quantification”, where visible and invisible numbers permeate all aspects and venues of life. We review the contributions of different authors who focus on the roles of quantification in society, with the aim of capturing different and sometimes separate voices. Several scholars, including economists, jurists, philosophers, sociologists, communication and data scientists, express concerns or identify critical areas of our relationship with new technologies of ‘numericization’. While mindful of the important specificities (...)
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    Propositions and the Metaphysics of Time.Giuliano Torrengo - 2013 - Disputatio 5 (37):315-321.
    Torrengo, Giuliano_Propositions and the Metaphysics of Time.
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    The Role of Fear (Bhaya) in the Nikāyas and in the Abhidhamma.Giuliano Giustarini - 2012 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 40 (5):511-531.
    According to Buddhist soteriology, fear is a direct cause of suffering and one of the main obstacles in the path to liberation. Pāli Suttas and Abhidhamma present a number of sophisticated strategies to deal with fear and to overcome it. Nevertheless, in the Nikāyas and in the Abhidhamma there are also consistent instructions about implementing fear in meditative practices and considering it as a valuable ally in the pursuit of nibbāna By means of a lexicographical study of selected passages and (...)
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    Another perspective on the doctrine of double effect.Camillo C. Bica - 1999 - Public Affairs Quarterly 13 (2):131-139.
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    Rethinking Soviet Marxism: The Case of Evald Ilyenkov.Giuliano Andrea Vivaldi - 2017 - Historical Materialism 25 (2):180-195.
    This review-essay explores approaches to the thought of the creative Soviet Marxist thinker Evald Ilyenkov as discussed in a recent book edited by Alex Levant and Vesa Oittinen, Dialectics of the Ideal: Evald Ilyenkov and Creative Soviet Marxism. The book consists of a series of commentaries and contextual essays which centre on the translated text of Ilyenkov’s Dialectics of the Ideal. The approach the authors take to Ilyenkov’s work differs from previous ones of exploring the totality of Ilyenkov’s thought or (...)
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    Per una nuova metafisica.Camillo Cecchi - 2000 - Roma: Armando editore.
    v. 1. Presentazione de Biagia Catanzaro Gligora -- v. 2. Logica, totalità-reale e realtà -- v. 3. Anima e coscienza.
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    El argumento de" Lo Uno sobre lo múltiple" en el Tratado sobre las Ideas de Aristóteles.Silvana Gabriela Di Camillo - 2010 - Synthesis (la Plata) 17:47-63.
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  23. All intermediate logics with extra axioms in one variable, except eight, are not strongly ω-complete.Camillo Fiorentini - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (4):1576-1604.
    In [8] it is proved that all the intermediate logics axiomatizable by formulas in one variable, except four of them, are not strongly complete. We considerably improve this result by showing that all the intermediate logics axiomatizable by formulas in one variable, except eight of them, are not strongly ω-complete. Thus, a definitive classification of such logics with respect to the notions of canonicity, strong completeness, ω-canonicity and strong ω-completeness is given.
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    Indic Manuscript Cultures Through the Ages: Material, Textual, and Historical Investigations.Camillo Alessio Formigatti, Daniele Cuneo & Vincenzo Vergiani (eds.) - 2017 - De Gruyter.
    This collection of essays explores the history of the book in pre-modern South Asia looking at the production, circulation, fruition and preservation of manuscripts in different areas and across time. Edited by the team of the Cambridge-based Sanskrit Manuscripts Project and including contributions of the researchers who collaborated with it, it covers a wide range of topics related to South Asian manuscript culture: from the material dimension and the complicated interactions of manuscripts with printing in late medieval Tibet and in (...)
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    L'infinito della vita animale: sei lezioni su Darwin e Redi.Giuliano Martufi (ed.) - 2010 - Venezia: Cafoscarina.
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    Lo stato di diritto kantiano e la critica di Hegel.Giuliano Marini - 1964 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 41 (1-2):227-237.
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    Un rifacimento greco-volgare della vita di S. Basilio scritta da Gregorio asceta.Giuliano Pesenti - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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  28. The perils of evolution-as-progress metaphor : challenging ideas of naturalness, normalcy, and adequacy in Brazilian and Canadian science education.Giuliano Reis, Adam Oliver Brown, Delano Silva & Ana Julia Pedreira - 2019 - In Alandeom W. Oliveira & Kristin Leigh Cook (eds.), Evolution education and the rise of the creationist movement in Brazil. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Niccolò Machiavelli: an annotated bibliography of modern criticism and scholarship.Silvia Ruffo-Fiore - 1990 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    The volume will implement the research efforts of both Machiavelli scholars and those in related general and specific fields.
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    Intervista su Dio: le parole della fede, il cammino della ragione.Camillo Ruini - 2012 - Milano: Mondadori. Edited by Andrea Galli.
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    Levinas e Heidegger.Giuliano Sansonetti - 1998 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Perspectival truth and perspectival realism.Giuliano Torrengo - 2010 - In François Récanati, Isidora Stojanovic & Neftalí Villanueva (eds.), Context Dependence, Perspective and Relativity. Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 6 / 333-346.
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    Slurs and Semantic Indeterminacy.Giuliano Torrengo - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (4):1617-1627.
    The analysis of the derogatory aspect of slurs has recently aroused interest among philosophers of language. A puzzling element of it is its erratic behaviour in embeddings, for instance negation or belief reports. The derogatory aspect seems sometimes to “scope out” from the embedding to the context of utterance, while at other times it seems to interact with the linguistic constructions in which the slur is implanted. I argue that slurs force us to maintain a kind of semantic indeterminacy which, (...)
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    Institutional Externalism.Giuliano Torrengo - 2017 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 47 (1):67-85.
    Many philosophers regard collective behavior and attitudes as the ground of the whole of social reality. According to this popular view, society is composed basically of collective intentions and cooperative behaviors; this is so both for informal contexts involving small groups and for complex institutional structures. In this article, I challenge this view, and propose an alternative approach, which I term institutional externalism. I argue that institutions are characterized by the tendency to defer to elements that are external to the (...)
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  35. Tenseless Cross-temporal Relations.Giuliano Torrengo - 2006 - Metaphysica 7 (2).
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    Echoes of myth and magic in the language of Artificial Intelligence.Roberto Musa Giuliano - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (4):1009-1024.
    To a greater extent than in other technical domains, research and progress in Artificial Intelligence has always been entwined with the fictional. Its language echoes strongly with other forms of cultural narratives, such as fairytales, myth and religion. In this essay we present varied examples that illustrate how these analogies have guided not only readings of the AI enterprise by commentators outside the community but also inspired AI researchers themselves. Owing to their influence, we pay particular attention to the similarities (...)
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    Mathematical subtleties and scientific knowledge: Francis Bacon and mathematics, at the crossing of two traditions.Giuliano Mori - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Science 50 (1):1-21.
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    Las manāqib de ʿAbd al-Salām al-Asmar (siglo XV) de Zlīten (Libia). Breve descripción general de la lengua y de los temas.Giuliano Mion - 2024 - Al-Qantara 44 (2):e19.
    Las llamadas manāqib (sg. manqaba) son un género literario bastante extendido en los últimos siglos. Algunas de estas manāqib han sido publicadas en ediciones críticas, y su circulación entre los estudiosos suele referirse a la historia norteafricana o a ciertos aspectos de la religiosidad popular. Sin embargo, este tipo de obras ha recibido una atención muy limitada desde el punto de vista lingüístico, a pesar de que presentan características propias de las variedades habladas del árabe. Por lo tanto, las manāqib (...)
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  39. “Writers Who Have Rendered Women Objects of Pity”: Mary Wollstonecraft’s Literary Criticism in the Analytical Review and A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.Fiore Sireci - 2018 - Journal of the History of Ideas 79 (2):243-265.
    This article details the variety of critical strategies in Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, finding strong connections with her writing as a reviewer for the Analytical Review, the literary review published by the reformer and Dissenter Joseph Johnson. In Rights of Woman, Wollstonecraft employed textual analyses and an evolving set of theoretical positions that had been introduced in the course of her career at the Analytical Review. By elucidating the importance of the reviews and the specificity (...)
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    The Political Economy of Active Labor-Market Policy.Giuliano Bonoli - 2010 - Politics and Society 38 (4):435-457.
    Active labor-market policies have developed significantly over the past two decades across Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries, with substantial cross-national differences in terms of both extent and overall orientation. The objective of this article is to account for cross-national variation in this policy field. It starts by reviewing existing scholarship concerning political, institutional, and ideational determinants of ALMPs. It then argues that ALMP is too broad a category to be used without further specification, and it develops a typology (...)
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    Truth, Verisimilitude and Criticism in Lorenzo Valla: Dialectics and Historiography.Giuliano Mori - 2021 - Quaestio 20:417-438.
    This article analyses Valla’s historiographical stance in the light of his dialectical assumptions about possibility, verisimilitude, and truth. I argue that, at variance with most humanists, Valla believed that historical truth should satisfy the requirements of logical necessity, being therefore incompatible with verisimilar reconstructions of past events. However, Valla also realized that a critical method of assessment grounded in verisimilitude was indispensable to the analysis of doubtful accounts and traditions. In order to explore these matters, Valla developed a genre distinct (...)
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  42. Perspectival Tenses and Dynamic Tenses.Giuliano Torrengo - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (5):1045-1061.
    As far as our experience goes, we live in a dynamic present. Those two phenomenal features of experience—presentness and dynamism—are obviously connected. However, how they are connected is not obvious at all. In this paper, I criticise the view according to which the former can explain the latter, which I call sophisticated representationalism. My criticism will be based on an ambiguity in the notion of tense found in the philosophical literature, that between the perspectival understanding and the dynamic understanding of (...)
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  43. Nunc pro tunc. The Problem of Retroactive Enactments.Giuliano Torrengo - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (1):241-250.
    In this paper, I present a problem for the realist with respect to the institutional sphere, and suggest a solution. Roughly, the problem lies in a contradiction that arises as soon as institutional contexts are allowed to influence the institutional profile of objects and events not only in the present, but also in the past. If such “retroactive enactments” are effective, in order to avoid contradiction the realist seems to have to accept the unpleasant conclusion that institutions can create a (...)
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    Interpreting Just War Theory's Jus in Bello Criterion of Discrimination.Camillo C. Bica - 1998 - Public Affairs Quarterly 12 (2):157-168.
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    Living Donation and Cosmetic Surgery: A Double Standard in Medical Ethics?Giuliano Testa, Erica Carlisle, Mary Simmerling & Peter Angelos - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (2):110-117.
    The commitment of transplant physicians to protect the physical and psychological health of potential donors is fundamental to the process of living donor organ transplantation. It is appropriate that strict regulations to govern an individual’s decision to donate have been developed. Some may argue that adherence to such regulations creates a doctor-patient relationship that is rooted in paternalism, which is in drastic contrast with a doctor-patient relationship that is rooted in patients’ autonomy, characteristic of most other operative interventions.In this article (...)
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    The closed future.Giuliano Torrengo - forthcoming - Theoria.
    Many philosophers take for granted that there is a strong pre‐theoretical intuition that the future is open and that it is worth trying to make sense of that intuition in theoretical terms. In this paper, I give a characterisation of the ordinary intuition in terms of three elements: our sense of agency, the difference in normativity between memories and expectations and naïve understanding of causality. Those intuitions allow us to pin down certain desiderata that an account of openness should respect. (...)
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    The “Writing Spiral”: A Practical Tool for Teaching Undergraduates to Write Publication-Quality Manuscripts.Traci A. Giuliano - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  48. A Late Roman Villa at Faragola, Italy.Giuliano Volpe - forthcoming - Minerva.
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    Un uomo di nome Benedetto: la vita di Croce nei suoi aspetti privati e poco noti.Camillo Albanese - 2001 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    Annotated bibliography.Giuliano Battiston - 2009 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 248 (2):191-213.
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